Sunday, August 17, 2008

Split Personality

I'm often heard to describe myself as a "Rockets, Missiles and Spacecraft Modeler". But if you look at the kits in my unbuilt pile, I appear to be an armor modeler. If you look at the kits I've actually finished, I show a definite weakness for Cold War jet aircraft and close air support aircraft of any epoch. But I go through phases where I am a very dedicated figure painter and pretend that if I simply "think real hard" I'll develop the skills of a Shep Paine or a Bill Horan.

Taint likely, but I try. This 200mm Verlinden Roman bust is pretty typical of my figure work - undershaded, workmanlike, and not likely to win any contests.
What bugs me about it (though it doesn't bug me extensively) is that I've slowly assembled a fairly large population of unassembled 54mm Old West figures, mostly marshals and gunfighters, and I sense with a kind of nonverbal cellular awareness akin to ESP that I'm about to go whole-hog into the Old West... Again... Good thing I finished Herr von Braun's rocket, eh?

1 comment:

Oscar1986 said...

awesome looking model, cool blog