Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lindberg Space Stuff

Unsorted views of the Lindberg USSS Explorer and wheel-shaped space station. These aren't the originals; they're the reissues that came out not so long ago. They both required a good deal of sanding, filling, filing and clamping, and if I were building these professionally I'd have serious heartburn with the fins on the various heat exchangers on the space station in particular. But they were still fun to build - I generally speaking can't get enough of that "future factual" space stuff.

White models present a serious challenge to me - I have a hard time keeping them clean during the construction process. I don't know what my problem is. I wash my hands before I work on models, I don't eat anything while I work on them, and they still come out covered with grubby fingerprints. Maybe I have bad karma.


-Warren Zoell said...

When I see these I think of this.

-Warren Zoell said...

I like the red ring on the inner hub and the black line in the outer trough you did. I wish I'd have thought of that.
Were you able to hang on to the rivets?

William said...

The rivets took some damage - there are half-inch-wide "bald spots" on the inner and outer seams, and that's a pity, because the rivets were actually pretty delicate and understated. I liked the red ring because I thought incoming "space pod" pilots might like a visual reference, and the black line I copied from a picture of a solar power generator, which had a black pipe at the focus of the parabolic reflector. I drew it in with a black felt marker...