Saturday, November 13, 2010

AMT Slave-1

AMT's Slave-1. The colors are Testors acrylic hull red, Testors acrylic RLM-02, and Tamiya NATO black, with an awful lot of black and grey washes over the top - my garage smelled like a paint thinner factory for a week. Instead of doing all the chipping with silver paint, I used a silver pencil. I'm not sure it's very realistic, but it's at least clean and easy. It looks better from a distance; up close I think the marks are too obviously pencil scribbles.


-Warren Zoell said...

Boba Fett was cool. It really was a pathetic way to kill him off. Who's to say how paint chipping occurs in galaxies far far away?

William said...

I know; he was one of the best parts of Star Wars. I choose to believe that the moment the camera panned away from the Sarlacc pit, Boba Fett blew his way out and walked back to Slave-1, mumbling "Oh boy, someone's going to get it NOW."

The burp after he fell in was stupid. Sometimes I have to ask "George, WTF were you thinking?"